You are also responsible for making sure your dog is well socialized and has good manners. This means not only that he doesn't bite and does a sit and stay, but that he doesn't jump on people, allows the vet or groomer to touch him as needed and does not bark and lunge.
Last week Training by Trina held another AKC STAR Puppy Graduation and Basic Obedience Graduation. Our Basic Obedience dogs and their humans took the extra step and chose to take the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. As part of both the AKC STAR Puppy and Canine Good Citizen tests the owners sign the Responsible Pet Owner Pledge, showing that they are committed to being good dog "parents".

I understand that to truly be a Canine Good Citizen, my dog needs a responsible owner. I agree to maintain my dog’s health, safety, and quality of life. By participating in the Canine Good Citizen test, I agree:
I will be responsible for my dog’s health needs. These include:
• routine veterinary care including check-ups and vaccines
• adequate nutrition through proper diet; clean water at all times
• daily exercise and regular bathing and grooming
I will be responsible for my dog’s safety.
• I will properly control my dog by providing fencing where appropriate, not letting my dog run loose, and using a leash in public.
• I will ensure that my dog has some form of identification (which may include collar tags, tattoos, or microchip ID).
I will not allow my dog to infringe on the rights of others.
• I will not allow my dog to run loose in the neighborhood.
• I will not allow my dog to be a nuisance to others by barking while in the yard, in a hotel room, etc.
• I will pick up and properly dispose of my dog’s waste in all public areas such as on the grounds of hotels, on sidewalks, parks, etc.
• I will pick up and properly dispose of my dog’s waste in wilderness areas, on hiking trails, campgrounds and in off-leash parks.
I will be responsible for my dog’s quality of life.
• I understand that basic training is beneficial to all dogs.
• I will give my dog attention and playtime.
• I understand that owning a dog is a commitment in time and caring.